Myself, Ansh Raj a final-year B.Tech CSE student with a specialization in Cybersecurity. I has gained proficiency in a variety of tools and technologies related to hacking and network security.My skill set includes tools like Nmap for network discovery, Wireshark for traffic analysis, Metasploit for penetration testing, and John the Ripper for password cracking.My experience reflects his strong foundation in cybersecurity and ethical hacking techniques.
The project was made using Python on Visual Studio Code IDE. In the game, images are shown to the user for a specific amount of time.Afterward, they must select the name of the images that were displayed from a list.
A keylogger logs all keys on your keyboard and hides in the background. This is a common tool used by hackers for stealing information from users without them knowing while promoting responsible usage, consent, and privacy
The quiz management system on Java provides an efficient solution for creating, managing, and administering quizzes. The system automates the quiz creation process, provides customizable settings, and offers real-time feedback to quiz takers.